Saturday, July 16, 2011

A dog's tale

This is the story of my dog.

Once upon a time there was a happy family. They lived happily with their two dogs. One day tragedy strikes and they saw fall from prosperity to misery. They shifted here and there hoping to make things good but all in vain. Finally they sought refuge in a house with their 2 dogs but things were not getting good but worse. They decided to abandon the house and dogs in new place, locked all doors and vanished. Other heard pleas of dogs and did everything to provide them with some food and water. After more than 3 months, landlady decided enough is enough and she opened the doors to vacate the room. The dogs got scared and tried to hide themselves but were let loose anyway. Both tried to ran as far as possible fearing new people. Some tried to stop them so that they could provide them shelter and home dogs can call their own. Among two, one decided to stay back.

Not proper food for more than 3 months, no one to look after the dog was very weak and fragile. But thanks to his new masters he is growing well and good.

And this is the story of my dog!

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