Sunday, July 17, 2011

Am i turning cynical?

I know that is not the question I should be asking you, but to myself. Why I am asking this question, nowadays i find things happening around me full with fallacies. Take for example, yesterday few creative and energetic kids organized program at famous mall, asking for donation to fight against hunger. They all were raising funds for one school that aims to educate street kids. Nobel job indeed. But I was like: do they even mean it?
I happen to reach there when speeches were going on, and one famous radio guy who works for BBC World Service began saying he would like to speak in his native language than in english. Yes, he said that in english. And i was like, why he has to seek permission for speaking in language that reaches every heart without much effort? The cynicism began right from there.

Yes, most of people were clad in T-shirt with X logo that meant end to hunger. They were elite kids who do not have to worry about anything. My logic is: alright raising awareness and funds is good initiative, but if you really want to fight against hunger, can't you come with some real commitment that really can make change, not just for once but for longer run. Those were the very people who were seen later eating at cafe and throwing food saying they didn't like the taste. You end hunger by saving foods not by only raising few hundreds. I just felt their initiatives were flawed somewhere because i strongly believe both awareness and commitment should go in hand to hand. If they had committed to stop drinking alcohol for a month (mind you one third of total grain production ends up in booze) or not throwing food or something that really make change, i would have clapped and supported. But you know when there's difference in doing and saying, i am not much that enthusiast to support the cause.

See i am just turning cynical. My mind do not even allow myself supporting such causes wholeheartedly.

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