Sunday, December 11, 2011


Reading story by someone you know: suddenly you start to look if you are there in bits and pieces. Same thing happened today as i kept on reading and searching myself there. To some extent, i found myself there but in obscure way.

Was out and running out of the story: hence no more blog posts in last week. Don't have any story now as well. Just that I feel I am giving Mosby a false dream and trying to repair that. How, i don't know. Avoiding him wouldn't do good i guess which i had thought I would do. I had told him I won't be in the city for 3 weeks and will manage to meet only during Xmas. This wasn't totally wrong, I would be here for 2 and half days between that period which i didn't mention him. Then I felt bad for him and ultimately told him I am back. Hastily he asked out for dinner which I decline not because I didn't want that because I felt I was too tired. Later I turned down dinner plan with my own friends as well. But probably I will meet him for dinner tomorrow. Let's see.
The reason I am trying to get away from him is: I don't feel anything for him and his feelings are getting more stronger. He was telling about his dinner plan with one guy who helped him at the airport and I teased him saying I won't mind if they end up in bed but he laughed and said He would mind, not because that guy is not hot but because he wants to be with me only. That awkward moment and you don't know how to react: Yes i had that moment. I am really scared things might just go out of the hand leaving him bruised and blue. Any ideas except the idea suggested by AK?

More travel plans coming up. Would be travelling to the west of the country and with few hours of layover at the capital again will fly to the eastern part. Hopefully the year will end in high note, finding that thing I am searching for!

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