Sunday, February 19, 2012

just a potpourri

I seriously wish I were a time traveler. I miss him so badly even though i was pretty prepared for this. As A said I am reading more than i should in these last few days.

Have lost considerable weight compared to 2 months back. No, it's not because of his departure (well probably partly, yes) but now i have decided i need to gain some kgs before everyone says 'you have become too skinny'. And did I tell you i have turned into veggie now. Well probably my friends think it's because of him (he is also one) but no it has nothing to do with him. Just felt like i am having too much of negative thought, probably time has come for detoxification by avoiding meat, as in meat form. So there I go, a veggie for few weeks and lets see where it goes. Of course i could see disappointment in my mother's face.

Another thing, Murakami is truly genius. I am reading his two books at the moment (I am that crazy, anyway) and few lines i really could relate to.

  • People come when they want to, leave when they feel like it. My job's just to wait for them.
  • Everything disappears some day as things that have form will all disappear. But certain feelings stay with us forever.

First line is of course said in another circumstances but thats what we do in our life as well. don't we? And second like, same as first one.

Metaphor at its best.

1 comment:

  1. i need to get my hands on Murakami now! and yay! for veggie :D


shout out!