Wednesday, February 8, 2012

wishing for world without the borders

First post of Month of Love. Makes me wonder how would the future folds in. How lucky would i be in love?

Currently out of the valley, far away from Erik. for work. And he is going away on Saturday. He said, 'I felt so bad that i am leaving you for 40 days but then realised it might not be that long given the situation i might not be able to live with you for 7 months a year'.

What if the world was a home, where borders are not demarcated and where no visa was needed to travel and live?

His mom is excited about us and will be here soon. I hope i could impress her, making her realise i am the best choice he ever made :-)


  1. sigh!!!:)

    yea i too wish sometimes that there were no such thing as boundaries etc. it sucks hai.

  2. well I don't know if u follow political ideologies deeply but i was and maybe still am a big fan of such thing as a single world state....
    I really hope u can impress his least its easier than for Erik to impress yours! hehe! all the best !


shout out!