Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet the Chinese Mosby

On 20th day since my last relationship faltered, I went out on a date. He is a Chinese guy working here for some random company. Some of my friends think its okay to go out, meet people and see the world from fresh perspective. I hope that's true, I listened to them, to myself and to the world. So finally after trotting on online dating site for a while, having some useless and stupid conversation and some interesting ones, finally it happened. We talked, first over message, then on phone. He doesn't have perfect accented English but what the hell, a coffee can do no harm. So we met and rest what happened you know the story.

So why i called him Mosby, do you watch US sitcom called How I Met Your Mother? There is this main character named Ted Mosby who falls for girl on first date ending up proclaiming how much he loved her. My Chinese Mosby (hereafter Mosby only) also showed similar characters. First date: coffee, talks, dinner, drink and more talks: His simple question left me awkward and uneasy. Do you think i have got a chance to be in a relationship with you in future? 

How was I supposed to answer? Of course i have dillydally answer but still I am amazed and surprised by Mosby. Except real Ted Mosby, who would ask such question? His gestures like meeting my friends, listening to me, trying to explain his side of the story, showing sign of jealousy over my past (wishing why he didn't meet me earlier) etc. is making me feel weird.

Here I am, barely 20 days since the end of last relationship, new guy talking about new possibilities. Am I that stupid or that lucky or that good looking? Only the future shall tell.

Yes, he keeps calling, messaging and reminding me he is out there. But the fact is, he is a foreigner and one day he will leave. Or if all these were for real, would it be a rebound thing or for real thing? Probably I should stop thinking more!

Also as my friend suggested: I should be clear from the beginning about what I want and what he can expect from me. But in the mean time, few cups of coffee won't hurt anyone. Probably coming weekend, I should take him to zoo. To show the animal side of me :D

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