Monday, August 29, 2011


It's pouring outside: seems Indra, the hindu god of thunder and rain, isn't happy today. Strong wind and rain, what a combination. I always loved rain. I don't know why, but if you ask me which weather I would prefer more: I would chose Monsoon. In my opinion, the rain makes such a wonderful music when water hits the ground and there's prism of lights, too many colors to chose.
This rain and thunder do remind me of you. First time when we met, it was raining like hell and you came with an umbrella to pick me up. That was so hilarious especially your long umbrella, like the one old black umbrella people used to carry back ages ago. Today it's raining like it did then. Probably it's shining in your place now: sun and sand. Yes, I remember you saying so and I even have gift you got for me from that land. Silly me, I haven’t used it at all. It's still packed like it was when you gave me. 
Haha sometimes song reminds me of you and sometimes it's the smell. Sometimes I wonder if we had given shot, could we have made it? I know both of us were more worried about coming days than the present ones. We never pursued but still whenever I try to remember those messages you sent me, I get this question: why didn't we? Remember the most funny and sweet one was the quote from Brida (funny I don't remember it though), it was copied-pasted but still it did touch my heart. I still loved those days of sitcoms, thesis data analysis and mere fooling and nothing else. Those days of surprises and you never got tired of my endless babbles.
Now things have changed and someone has taken your place. I don't know if it's same with you, but you acted more as stern and confident and never shared me except denials.  I heard rumours after all. But the last statement that you said to me in person still bring laughter: If only you were not in relationship.

Memories are to cherish. And suddenly it made me nostalgic today.

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