Saturday, October 29, 2011

festival leftover

I am getting tired of eating leftovers. According to my granny, my mom has small eyes meaning she hardly gets satisfied with less things. Unless the pot is full, she doubts it would be enough for everyone to eat which of course is not true. So her small eyes played big part this time as well and we ended up with leftovers full of fridge. My sister, as my granny used to, complaining saying If only she had heard to me. The lesson, don't hurry to cook if you are not sure whether your relatives are coming or do not compare their eating habit with the cyclopes who apparently could eat a lot. Otherwise you would be left with lots of leftovers and you just can't throw it anyway. Slowly and slowly you have to eat, otherwise what's use of refrigerator :P

In another note, bhaitika went well. Had fun playing with nieces and nephew, taking tika from sisters. Evening was another scandal which I will narrate someday. Ended up with friend at the famous bar, drank few glasses of beer and had good talk. It was indeed very helpful to talk and let go of many fear that we hold back. But still fear remains, in another form!

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