Tuesday, January 3, 2012

till then, goodbye!

2012 has already knocked at my door. Yes, I am 3 days late to say "Happy New Year" but does it matter by how many days i am late? Anyways, felt like looking back 2011. It has defined me, gave me courage and made me strong. This is the year I will always remember for gathering courage to speak out my story to my friends and my sisters. This is the year I will always remember for meeting some awesome people including AK. This is the year I will always remember for some lost love. Finished my Masters (dissertation is there, but i can still say i did it :P), got my dog and made me hopeful of my future and my happiness.

Few things I look forward in 2012:
Probably Love. I am afraid of commitments and all but still I wish to have someone beside me who actually understand me and vows to be there when i need most. Yes, I would do same.
One more overseas trip with friends. We had made this pact that we would go somewhere Sun and Sand to celebrate the bachelor's party. Hopefully one of my friend would fly from Europe and we fly down from Himalayas to sea and beach, laughing...shouting... drinking....and enjoying the bond like never before. Fingers crossed!
Upgrade in career: Well who doesn't want this? But probably I should start looking for some international positions so that I could travel faraway lands, working and saving some money :P
Buy one book a month: Yes, this is my resolution i made in the morning actually. I got one book yesterday which i wanted so badly.... Murakami. I am trying to convince another friend to do so :D
Join the gym, get back to shape. Learn French and say "Bonjour ... Aimeriez-vous avoir un dîner avec moi?"

This are few things I hope to happen with me. Lets see, how the year unfolds. Till then, goodbye 2011. :)

1 comment:

shout out!